
Monday, 24 April 2023

High Court of Manipur Recruitment 2023 - 2024

High Court of Manipur has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as High Court of Manipur Recruitment 2023 to fill 118 vacancies of Lower Division Assistant, Group-D positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for High Court of Manipur Recruitment 2023 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 23rd May 2023. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

High Court of Manipur Recruitment 2023 Detailed Information

Organization Name: High Court of Manipur

Name of Positions : Lower Division Assistant, Group-D

Number of Vacant Positions: 118

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Lower Division Assistant - 54 2. Group-D - 64

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th/ Graduation Degree from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 600/-(Post 1), Rs. 300/-(Post 2) is needed to be paid by General/ OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC/ ST/ PWD (Persons with Disability) Category : Rs. 300/-(Post 1) Rs. 150/-(Post 2).

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 38 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Lower Division Assistant, Group-D they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 21,700 - 69,100/- (Post 1), Rs. 15,700 - 50,000/- (Post 2) per month from High Court of Manipur

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Computer Typing, Viva Voce for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for High Court of Manipur Recruitment 2023 - 2024:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 23rd May 2023.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Commencement of Online Application Form Is : 08-05-2023.
Last Date For Apply Online : 23-05-2023.

official Website :

Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Visva Bharati has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023 to fill 709 vacancies of MTS, Junior Engineer, Stenographer positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 16th May 2023. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Visva Bharati

Name of Positions : MTS, Junior Engineer, Stenographer

Number of Vacant Positions: 709

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Registrar - 01
2. Finance Officer - 01 
3. Librarian - 01 
4. Deputy Registrar - 01 
5. Internal Audit Officer - 01 
6. Assistant Librarian - 06 
7. Assistant Registrar - 02 
8. Section Officer - 04 
9. Assistant/ Senior Assistant - 05 
10. Upper Division Clerk/ Office Assistant - 29 
11. Lower Division Clerk/ Junior Office Assistant-Typist - 99 
12. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) - 405 
13. Professional Assistant - 05 
14. Semi Professional Assistant - 04 
15. Library Assistant - 01 
16. Library Attendant - 30 
17. Laboratory Assistant - 16 
18. Laboratory Attendant - 45 
19. Assistant Engineer (Electrical) - 01 
20. Assistant Engineer (Civil) - 01 
21. Junior Engineer (Civil) - 09 
22. Junior Engineer (Electrical) - 01 
23. Private Secretary - 07 
24. Personal Assistant - 08 
25. Stenographer - 02 
26. Senior Technical Assistant - 02 
27. Technical Assistant - 17 
28. Security Inspector - 01 
29. Senior System Analyst - 01 
30. System Programmer - 03   

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th/ ITI/ 12th/ Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in any Discipline/ B.E./ B.Tech./ Master’s Degree from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:

Age Limitations:
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of MTS, Junior Engineer, Stenographer they will attain salary in scale pay of per month from Visva Bharati

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Test Interview/ Personality Test for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023 - 2024:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 16th May 2023.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last Date To Submit Online Application : 16-05-2023.

official Website :

Thursday, 20 April 2023

JHDC Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Jharkhand Home Defense Corps has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as JHDC Recruitment 2023 to fill 1501 vacancies of Home Guard positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for JHDC Recruitment 2023 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 9th May 2023. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

JHDC Recruitment 2023 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Jharkhand Home Defense Corps

Name of Positions : Home Guard

Number of Vacant Positions: 1501

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Home Guard (Rural) - 1456
2. Home Guard (Urban) - 45

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 7th/ 10th from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 100/-is needed to be paid by All Category Candidates.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 19 to 40 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Home Guard they will attain salary in scale pay of per month from Jharkhand Home Defense Corps

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Physical Test/ Technical Efficiency and Written Test/ Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for JHDC Recruitment 2023 - 2024:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 9th May 2023.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Opening Date of Online Registration of Application Form Is : 25-04-2023.
Last Date for Receiving Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 09-05-2023.

official Website :

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

BAMETI Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Bihar Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as BAMETI Recruitment 2023 to fill 1041 vacancies of Stenographer, Accountant positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for BAMETI Recruitment 2023 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 30th April 2023. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

BAMETI Recruitment 2023 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Bihar Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute

Name of Positions : Stenographer, Accountant

Number of Vacant Positions: 1041

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Technical Manager (TM) - 228
2. Assistant Technical Manager (ATM) - 587
3. Stenographer - 06
4. Accountant - 160

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Agriculture Engineering/ Forestry/ Veterinary & Animal Science/ Fisheries/ Cow Technology/ B.Com. from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Contestant's maximum age limits should be 37 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Stenographer, Accountant they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 30,000/- (Post 1), Rs. 25,000/- (Post 2), Rs. 22,500/- (Post 3,4) per month from Bihar Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Shortlisting/ Counseling/ Interview/ Efficiency Test/ Proficiency Test/ Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for BAMETI Recruitment 2023 - 2024:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 30th April 2023.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Dead Line To Submit Online Application Is : 30-04-2023.

official Website :

Zilla Swasthya Samiti Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Zilla Swasthya Samiti has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Zilla Swasthya Samiti Recruitment 2023 to fill 131 vacancies of Staff Nurse, ANM, Pharmacist, Multi Purpose Worker positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Zilla Swasthya Samiti Recruitment 2023 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 3rd May 2023. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Zilla Swasthya Samiti Recruitment 2023 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Zilla Swasthya Samiti

Name of Positions : Staff Nurse, ANM, Pharmacist, Multi Purpose Worker

Number of Vacant Positions: 131

Detailed Vacancies:

1. ANM - 51
2. Staff Nurse - 26 
3. Dresser - 02 
4. Lab Tech. - 11 
5. Pharmacist - 22 
6. MTC Nutrition Counselors - 05 
7. MPW (Multi Purpose Worker) - 14   

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th/ 12th/ Diploma/ Bachelor Degree/ Master Degree in Relevant Discipline from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 35 Years As On 31-03-2023.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Staff Nurse, ANM, Pharmacist, Multi Purpose Worker they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 11,466/- (Post 1), Rs. 16,564/- (Post 2), Rs. 10,450/- (Post 3,5), Rs. 15,661/- (Post 4), Rs. 12,375/- (Post 6), Rs. 15,123/- (Post 7) per month from Zilla Swasthya Samiti

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Educational/ Experience and Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for Zilla Swasthya Samiti Recruitment 2023 - 2024:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 3rd May 2023.

Address to Send Application: :

Civil Surgeon-Cum-Chief Medical Officer, Latehar, Sadar hospital, Parisar, Latehar (Jharkhand), Pin No. 829206

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Closing Date to Submit the Application Form : 03-03-2023.

official Website :

Monday, 17 April 2023

Bihar Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Bihar Vidhan Sabha has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Bihar Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2023 to fill 69 vacancies of Security Guard positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Bihar Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2023 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 16th May 2023. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Bihar Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2023 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Bihar Vidhan Sabha

Name of Positions : Security Guard

Number of Vacant Positions: 69

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Security Guard - 69

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 12th from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 675/-is needed to be paid by General/ OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC/ ST/ PWD (Persons with Disability) Category : Rs. 180/-.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 25 Years As On 01-08-2023.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Security Guard they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 21,700 - 69,100/- per month from Bihar Vidhan Sabha

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam/ Physical Efficiency Test and Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for Bihar Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2023 - 2024:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 16th May 2023.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration Would Be Open From : 25-04-2023.
Dead Line For Apply Online : 16-05-2023.

official Website :

MPIDCL Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Madhya Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation Limited has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as MPIDCL Recruitment 2023 to fill 20 vacancies of Manager, Junior Engineer positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for MPIDCL Recruitment 2023 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 5th May 2023. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

MPIDCL Recruitment 2023 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Madhya Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation Limited

Name of Positions : Manager, Junior Engineer

Number of Vacant Positions: 20

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Manager - 10
2. Junior Engineer - 10

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Any Graduate Degree B.E../ B.Tech. from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 21 to 30 Years As On 01-01-2023.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Manager, Junior Engineer they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 56,100 - 1,77,500/- (Post 1), Rs. 36,200 - 1,14,800/- (Post 2) per month from Madhya Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation Limited

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Online Exam and Interview for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for MPIDCL Recruitment 2023 - 2024:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 5th May 2023.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Application Will Be Received Till : 05-05-2023.

official Website :

Saturday, 15 April 2023

IWAI Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Inland Waterways Authority of India has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as IWAI Recruitment 2023 to fill 25 vacancies of Internship Program positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for IWAI Recruitment 2023 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 31st December 2023. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

IWAI Recruitment 2023 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Inland Waterways Authority of India

Name of Positions : Internship Program

Number of Vacant Positions: 25

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Internship Program - 25

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Graduation Degree/ Post Graduation Degree in Relevant Discipline from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Internship Program they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 10,000 - Rs.20,000/- per month from Inland Waterways Authority of India

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for IWAI Recruitment 2023 - 2024:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 31st December 2023.

Address to Send Application: :

Secretary, Inland Waterways Authority of India, A-13, Sector-I, Noida - 201301

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Deadline to Submit the Application Is : 31-12-2023.

official Website :

TISS Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Tata Institute of Social Sciences has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as TISS Recruitment 2023 to fill 19 vacancies of Professor positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for TISS Recruitment 2023 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 10th May 2023. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

TISS Recruitment 2023 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Name of Positions : Professor

Number of Vacant Positions: 19

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Professor - 09
2. Associate Professor - 05
3. Assistant Professor - 05

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Graduation Degree, Post Graduation Degree/ Ph.D./ M.Phil. from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 2000/-is needed to be paid by General/ OBC/ EWS Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC/ ST/ PWD (Persons with Disability) Category : Rs. 500/-.

Age Limitations:
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Professor they will attain salary in scale pay of Matrix Level-14 (Post 1), Pay Matrix Level-13A (Post 2), Pay Matrix Level-10 (Post 3) per month from Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for TISS Recruitment 2023 - 2024:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 10th May 2023.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last Date For Applying Online Is : 10-05-2023.

official Website :

Thursday, 13 April 2023

DRLR Recruitment 2023 - 2024

Department of Revenue and Land Reform has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as DRLR Recruitment 2023 to fill 10101 vacancies of Special Survey Assistant, Amin and Special Survey Clerk positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for DRLR Recruitment 2023 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 12th May 2023. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

DRLR Recruitment 2023 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Department of Revenue and Land Reform

Name of Positions : Special Survey Assistant, Amin and Special Survey Clerk

Number of Vacant Positions: 10101

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Special Survey Assistant Settlement Officer - 355
2. Special Survey Kanungo - 758
3. Special Survey Amin - 8244
4. Special Survey Clerk - 744

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Diploma/ Degree in Civil Engineering/ Graduation Degree from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 800/-is needed to be paid by (UR)/ EWS/ EBC / BC (Male/ Female) Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC/ ST/ DQ (Male/ Female) Category : Rs. 400/-.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 21 to 37 Years (Post 1), 18 to 37 Years (Post 2-4) as on 01-01-2023.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Special Survey Assistant, Amin and Special Survey Clerk they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 59000/- (Post 1), Rs. 36000/- (Post 2), Rs. 31000/- (Post 3), Rs. 25000/- (Post 4) per month from Department of Revenue and Land Reform

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Online Computer Based Examination for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for DRLR Recruitment 2023 - 2024:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 12th May 2023.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration of Application Form Is Starts From : 13-04-2023.
Last Date To Apply Online Is : 12-05-2023.

official Website :


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