
Monday, 6 January 2020

District Court Kalimpong Recruitment 2019 - 2020

District Court Kalimpong has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as District Court Kalimpong Recruitment 2019 to fill 34 vacancies of Stenographer, Lower Division Clerk, Group-D, Nightguard positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for District Court Kalimpong Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 10th February 2020. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

District Court Kalimpong Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: District Court Kalimpong

Name of Positions : Stenographer, Lower Division Clerk, Group-D, Nightguard

Number of Vacant Positions: 34

Detailed Vacancies:

1. English Stenographer - 02
2. Nepali Stenographer - 02
3. Lower Division Clerk - 15
4. Group-D - 13
5. Nightguard - 02

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 8th / 10th with Certificate in Computer Training / Have shorthand & typing Speed from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 40 Years As on 01-01-2019.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Stenographer, Lower Division Clerk, Group-D, Nightguard they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 7100 - 37,600/- with 3900/3600/- Grade Pay (Post 1,2), Rs. 5400 - 25,200/- with 2600/- Grade Pay (Post 3), Rs. 4900 - 16,200/- with 1700/- Grade Pay (Post 4,5) per month from District Court Kalimpong
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Examination, Typing Test and Personality Test, Computer operation Test for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for District Court Kalimpong Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 10th February 2020.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Opening Date of Online Submission of Application Form Is : 23-12-2019.
Last Date of Online Application Is : 10-02-2020.

official Website :

NEKRTC Recruitment 2020 - 2021

North Eastern Karnataka Road Transport Corporation has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as NEKRTC Recruitment 2020 to fill 1619 vacancies of Driver, Driver-Co-Administrator positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for NEKTRC Recruitment 2020 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 5th February 2020. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

NEKRTC Recruitment 2020 Detailed Information

Organization Name: North Eastern Karnataka Road Transport Corporation

Name of Positions : Driver, Driver-Co-Administrator

Number of Vacant Positions: 1619

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Driver - 925
2. Driver-Co-Administrator - 694

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 600/-is needed to be paid by 2A / 2B / 3A / 3B Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC / ST / Cat -I & Other Category : Rs. 300/-.
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 24 to 35 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Driver, Driver-Co-Administrator they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 12400 - 19550/- per month from North Eastern Karnataka Road Transport Corporation
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Driving Test & Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for NEKRTC Recruitment 2020 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 5th February 2020.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration of Application Form Is Starts From : 06-01-2020.
Dead Line of Online Application Is : 05-02-2020.

official Website :

Friday, 3 January 2020

BSS Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Bhilai Steel Plant has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as BSS Recruitment 2019 to fill 358 vacancies of Graduate Apprentices, Technician Apprentices positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for BSS Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 20th January 2020. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

BSS Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Bhilai Steel Plant

Name of Positions : Graduate Apprentices, Technician Apprentices

Number of Vacant Positions: 358

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Graduate Apprentices - 154
2. Technician Apprentices - 204

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Diploma / Degree in Engineering from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Merit List & Document Verification for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for BSS Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 20th January 2020.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration Ends On : 20-01-2020.

official Website :

IRSDC Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as IRSDC Recruitment 2019 to fill 08 vacancies of Civil Engineers, Architects, Accountants positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for IRSDC Recruitment 2019 they should should attend walkin interview on 10th & 14th January 2020. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

IRSDC Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited

Name of Positions : Civil Engineers, Architects, Accountants

Number of Vacant Positions: 08

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Civil Engineers - 04
2. Architects - 02
3. Accountants - 02

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained B.Tech. / B.Arch. / B.Com. with CA from a recognized Board / University / Institute.
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should born between 01-11-1989.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Civil Engineers, Architects, Accountants they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 22,000/- per month from Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for IRSDC Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters must attend walkin interview on 10th & 14th January 2020.

Walkin Interview Venue / Address :

Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (A JV of Rail Land Development Authority and IRCON) Regd. Office, 7th New Delhi–110002

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Date of Interview : 10 & 14-01-2020.

official Website :

Zilla Parishad Nagpur Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Zilla Parishad Nagpur has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Zilla Parishad Nagpur Recruitment 2019 to fill 168 vacancies of Shikshan Sevak, Gram Sevak, Livestock Supervisor, Health Worker positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Zilla Parishad Nagpur Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 6th January 2020. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Zilla Parishad Nagpur Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Zilla Parishad Nagpur

Name of Positions : Shikshan Sevak, Gram Sevak, Livestock Supervisor, Health Worker

Number of Vacant Positions: 168

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Gram Sevak (Contractual) - 04
2. Pharmacist - 01
3. Health Worker (Male) - 01
4. Civil Engineering Assistant - 01
5. Shikshan Sevak - 160
6. Livestock Supervisor - 01

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th / 12th / Diploma / Graduation Degree / B.El.Ed. / B.Ed. from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 250/-is needed to be paid by All Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the Ex-Servicemen Category : Nil.
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 43 Years As on 31-12-2019.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Shikshan Sevak, Gram Sevak, Livestock Supervisor, Health Worker they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 6000/- (Post 1), Rs. 29,200 - 92,300/- (Post 2), Rs. 25,500 - 81,100/- (Post 3,4,6), Rs. 6000/- or 8000/- or 9000/- (Post 5) per month from Zilla Parishad Nagpur
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Zilla Parishad Nagpur Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 6th January 2020.

Address To Send Application From :

Zila Parishad, Nagpur (Related Department) Near Old Secretariat Building, Civil Line Nagpur - 440001

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Deadline for Receiving Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 06-01-2020.
Date of Written Examination : 09-01-2020, 10-01-2020 & 11-01-2020.

official Website :

Zilla Parishad Aurangabad Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Zilla Parishad Aurangabad has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Zilla Parishad Aurangabad Recruitment 2019 to fill 22 vacancies of Primary Education Servant positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Zilla Parishad Aurangabad Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 6th January 2020. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Zilla Parishad Aurangabad Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Zilla Parishad Aurangabad

Name of Positions : Primary Education Servant

Number of Vacant Positions: 22

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Primary Education Servant (Shikshan Sevak) - 22

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 12th with D.Ed. / D.El.Ed. / D.T.Ed. / TCH / & TET from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 250/-is needed to be paid by General / OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the Ex-Sm & other Category : Nil.
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 43 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Primary Education Servant they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 6000/- per month from Zilla Parishad Aurangabad
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Zilla Parishad Aurangabad Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 6th January 2020.

Address To Send Application From :

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Aurangabad

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
End Date To Submit Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 06-01-2020.

official Website :

Saturday, 28 December 2019

Delhi Police Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Delhi Police has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Delhi Police Recruitment 2019 to fill 649 vacancies of Head Constable positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Delhi Police Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 27th January 2020. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Delhi Police Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Delhi Police

Name of Positions : Head Constable

Number of Vacant Positions: 649

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Head Constable (Assistant Wireless Operator / Tele-Printer Operator) - 649

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 12th / ITI (NTC) from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 100/-is needed to be paid by General / OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC / ST / Ex-Sm / Women & other Category : Nil.
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 27 Years As on 01-07-2019.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Head Constable they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 25,500 - 81,100/- per month from Delhi Police
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Computer Based Exam, Physical Endurance & Measurement test and Trade Test & Computer Proficiency Test for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Delhi Police Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 27th January 2020.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Starting Date For Online Application Is : 28-12-2019.
Dead Line For Apply Online : 27-01-2020.

official Website :

Collector Office Niwari Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Collector Office Niwari has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Collector Office Niwari Recruitment 2019 to fill 01 vacancies of Office Assistant positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Collector Office Niwari Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 8th January 2020. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Collector Office Niwari Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Collector Office Niwari

Name of Positions : Office Assistant

Number of Vacant Positions: 01

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Office Assistant - 01

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Graduation Degree with CPCT Certificate from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 40 Years As on 01-01-2017.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Office Assistant they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 8500/- per month from Collector Office Niwari
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam / Merit / Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Collector Office Niwari Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 8th January 2020.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Starting Date of Online Application Form Filling Is : 28-12-2019.
Online Registration of Application Form Ends On : 08-01-2020.

official Website :

MPPMCL Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Madhya Pradesh Power Management Company Limited has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as MPPMCL Recruitment 2019 to fill 09 vacancies of Accounts Officer / Manager, Company Secretary positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for MPPMCL Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 24th January 2020. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

MPPMCL Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Madhya Pradesh Power Management Company Limited

Name of Positions : Accounts Officer / Manager, Company Secretary

Number of Vacant Positions: 09

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Accounts Officer/ Manager (Finance) Trainee - 03
2. Law Officer/ Manager (Law) Trainee - 03
3. Manager (HR) Trainee - 01
4. Manager (IT) Trainee - 01
5. Company Secretary - 01

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Bachelor Degree (Engineering / Law)/ CA / ICWA / MBA / PGDM from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 1000/-is needed to be paid by General / OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the Reserved & other Category : Rs. 800/-.
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 21 to 28 Years (Non MP Domicile), 21 to 40 Years for male (MP Domicile), 21 to 45 Years for Female (MP Domicile).
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Accounts Officer / Manager, Company Secretary they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 56,100/- per month from Madhya Pradesh Power Management Company Limited
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Online Assessment Test and Merit List, Document Verification for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for MPPMCL Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 24th January 2020.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration Would Be Open From : 25-12-2019.
Dead Line To Submit Online Application Is : 24-01-2020.

official Website :

Friday, 27 December 2019

SZCC Recruitment 2019 - 2020

South Zone Cultural Centre has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as SZCC Recruitment 2019 to fill 08 vacancies of Programme Executive, Junior Assistant, Junior Hindi Translator positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for SZCC Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 17th January 2020. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

SZCC Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: South Zone Cultural Centre

Name of Positions : Programme Executive, Junior Assistant, Junior Hindi Translator

Number of Vacant Positions: 08

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Programme Executive - 03
2. Assistant Programme Executive - 02
3. Junior Hindi Translator - 01
4. Junior Assistant - 02

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 12th / Graduation Degree from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 100/-is needed to be paid by General / OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC / ST / Female & other Category : Nil.
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 30 Years (Post 1,3), 18 to 25 Years (Post 2,4).
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Programme Executive, Junior Assistant, Junior Hindi Translator they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 35,400/- (Post 1,3), Rs. 25,500/- (Post 2,4) per month from South Zone Cultural Centre
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam / Personal Interview / Skill Test for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for SZCC Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 17th January 2020.

Address To Send Application From :

Office of the Director, South Zone Cultural Centre, Dakshini, Medical college Road, Thanjavur - 613004

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Application Has To Be Sent Latest By : 17-01-2020.

official Website :


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