
Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Collector Office Ratlam Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Collector Office Ratlam has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Collector Office Ratlam Recruitment 2019 to fill 04 vacancies of Office Assistant-cum-DEO, Office Assistant positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Collector Office Ratlam Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 23rd November 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Collector Office Ratlam Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Collector Office Ratlam

Name of Positions : Office Assistant-cum-DEO, Office Assistant

Number of Vacant Positions: 04

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Office Assistant cum Data Entry Operator - 03
2. Office Assistant - 01

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 12th / Graduation Degree with Diploma (Computer) & CPCT Certificate from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 - 40 Years As on 01-01-2019.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Office Assistant-cum-DEO, Office Assistant they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 22,770/- (Post 1), Rs. 8500/- (Post 2) per month from Collector Office Ratlam
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Collector Office Ratlam Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 23rd November 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

Collector Office, District - Ratlam

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last Date to Submit Filled-In Application : 23-11-2019.

official Website :

Monday, 18 November 2019

Baranagar Municipality Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Baranagar Municipality has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Baranagar Municipality Recruitment 2019 to fill 57 vacancies of Sanitary Assistant, Peon, Mazdoor positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Baranagar Municipality Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 6th December 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Baranagar Municipality Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Baranagar Municipality

Name of Positions : Sanitary Assistant, Peon, Mazdoor

Number of Vacant Positions: 57

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Sanitary Assistant (Group C) - 03
2. Peon (Group D) - 04
3. Mazdoor (Group D) - 50

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 8th / 10th from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 40 Years As on 01-01-2019.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Sanitary Assistant, Peon, Mazdoor they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 5400 - 25200/- with 2600/- Grade Pay (Post 1), Rs. 4900 - 16200/- with 1700/- Grade Pay (Post 2,3) per month from Baranagar Municipality
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Baranagar Municipality Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 6th December 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

The Chairman, Baranagar Municipality, 87, Deshbandhu Road (E), Kolkata - 700035, WB

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last Date of Receipt of Applications : 06-12-2019.

official Website :

A&N State Sports Council Recruitment 2019 - 2020

A&N State Sports Council has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as A&N State Sports Council Recruitment 2019 to fill 11 vacancies of COACHES positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for A&N State Sports Council Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 22nd November 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

A&N State Sports Council Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: A&N State Sports Council

Name of Positions : COACHES

Number of Vacant Positions: 11

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Gym Instructor - 03
2. Lawn Tennis - 01
3. Table Tennis - 01
4. Basketball - 01
5. Cricket - 01
6. Boxing - 01
7. Hockey - 01
8. Swimming - 02

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th / Diploma in coaching (relevant field) from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 32 Years (for male), 18 to 37 Years (for female).
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of COACHES they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 32,000/- per month from A&N State Sports Council
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Test, Physical Fitness Test and Skill & Performance Test for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for A&N State Sports Council Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 22nd November 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

Office of the General Secretary, A&N State Sports Council, Port Blair

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last Date for Receiving Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 22-11-2019.

official Website :

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms Recruitment 2019 to fill 15 vacancies of Textile Designer cum Marketing Executive, Cluster Development Executives positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 29th November 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms

Name of Positions : Textile Designer cum Marketing Executive, Cluster Development Executives

Number of Vacant Positions: 15

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Textile Designer cum Marketing Executive - 10
2. Cluster Development Executives - 05

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Diploma in Handloom Technology / experience of working as Designer from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Textile Designer cum Marketing Executive, Cluster Development Executives they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 24,000/- (Post 1), Rs. 25,000/- (Post 2) per month from Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Assessment / Test / Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 29th November 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

The Director, Weavers’ Service Centre, Weaver’s Colony, Bharat Nagar, Delhi-110052

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last Date for the Submission of Application : 29-11-2019.

official Website :

Collector Office Surajpur Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Collector Office Surajpur has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Collector Office Surajpur Recruitment 2019 to fill 20 vacancies of Electrical Assistant, Librarian, Peon, Staff Nurse, Teacher positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Collector Office Surajpur Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 25th November 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Collector Office Surajpur Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Collector Office Surajpur

Name of Positions : Electrical Assistant, Librarian, Peon, Staff Nurse, Teacher

Number of Vacant Positions: 20

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Post Graduate Teacher - 01
2. Librarian - 01
3. Trained Graduate Teacher - 08
4. Staff Nurse - 03
5. Electrical Assistant - 01
6. Peon - 04
7. Watchmen - 02

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 8th / ITI / Diploma / B.Sc. (Nursing) / B.Lib. / Graduation Degree or PG Degree with B.Ed. from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 23 to 35 Years (Post 1), 21 to 35 Years (Post 2-7).
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Electrical Assistant, Librarian, Peon, Staff Nurse, Teacher they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 18,000/- (Post 1-4) per month from Collector Office Surajpur
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Collector Office Surajpur Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 25th November 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

Office of the Collector (Tribal Development), Surajpur, Chhattisgarh

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Closing Date for Forwarding Filled Application Forms : 25-11-2019.

official Website :

Friday, 15 November 2019

District Court Tumakuru Recruitment 2019 - 2020

District Court Tumakuru has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as District Court Tumakuru Recruitment 2019 to fill 13 vacancies of Stenographer positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for District Court Tumakuru Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 17th December 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

District Court Tumakuru Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: District Court Tumakuru

Name of Positions : Stenographer

Number of Vacant Positions: 13

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Stenographer - 13

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th / 12th (Computer Typing Knowledge) from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 35 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Stenographer they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 27,650 - 52,650/- per month from District Court Tumakuru
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for District Court Tumakuru Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 17th December 2019.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Closing Date For Apply Online : 17-12-2019.

official Website :

Thursday, 14 November 2019

DPLC Recruitment 2019 - 2020

District Project Livelihood College has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as DPLC Recruitment 2019 to fill 08 vacancies of Chauffeur, Technician Trainer, Trainer, Driver positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for DPLC Recruitment 2019 they should should attend walkin interview on 19th November 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

DPLC Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: District Project Livelihood College

Name of Positions : Chauffeur, Technician Trainer, Trainer, Driver

Number of Vacant Positions: 08

Detailed Vacancies:

1. LED Light Repair Technician Trainer - 01
2. Unarmed Securiey Guard Trainer - 01
3. DTH Set-Top Box Installer and Service Technician Trainer - 01
4. Sewing Machine Operator- Knits Trainer - 02
5. Domestic Data Entry Operator Trainer - 01
6. Chauffeur / Taxi Driver Trainer - 01
7. Driver - 01

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 8th / 10th / 12th with Heavy Driving License / Graduate / Diploma / IT / 10th with Diploma in Computer Science / Technology / Diploma in Electronics from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Chauffeur, Technician Trainer, Trainer, Driver they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 15,000 - 20,000/- (Post 1-6), Rs. 10,310/- (Post 7) per month from District Project Livelihood College
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Merit List & Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for DPLC Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters must attend walkin interview on 19th November 2019.

Walkin Interview Venue / Address :

District Project Livelihood College, District - Dantewada (C.g.), Address- Karlee, Geedam, Pin - 494441, Post - Geedam, District - Dakshin Bastar Dantewada

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Date of Interview : 19-11-2019.

official Website :

OSLSA Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Odisha State Legal Service Authority has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as OSLSA Recruitment 2019 to fill 12 vacancies of Peon (Orderly & Office) / Process Server positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for OSLSA Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 25th November 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

OSLSA Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Odisha State Legal Service Authority

Name of Positions : Peon (Orderly & Office) / Process Server

Number of Vacant Positions: 12

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Peon (Orderly & Office) / Process Server - 12

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 7th / 8th from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 32 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Peon (Orderly & Office) / Process Server they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 8070/- per month from Odisha State Legal Service Authority
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Screening & Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for OSLSA Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 25th November 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

Office of the Member Secretary, Odisha State Legal Services Authority, SO-20, CB, Cuttack - 753001

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Closing Date for Receiving Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 25-11-2019.

official Website :

ASTC Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Assam State Transport Corporation has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as ASTC Recruitment 2019 to fill 72 vacancies of Electrician, Welder, Mechanics, Fitter positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for ASTC Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 27th November 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

ASTC Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Assam State Transport Corporation

Name of Positions : Electrician, Welder, Mechanics, Fitter

Number of Vacant Positions: 72

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Electrician (Auto) - 20
2. Welder - 12
3. Mechanics (Motor Vehicle/Diesel) - 30
4. Fitter - 10

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained ITI in respective Trade from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 20 to 43 Years As on 01-11-2019.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Electrician, Welder, Mechanics, Fitter they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 11,000/- per month from Assam State Transport Corporation
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for ASTC Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 27th November 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

Managing Director, Assam State Transport Corporation, Paribahan Bhawan, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-8

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Closing Date for Receiving Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 27-11-2019.

official Website :

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Meghalaya Home (Jails) Department Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Meghalaya Home (Jails) Department has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Meghalaya Home (Jails) Department Recruitment 2019 to fill 53 vacancies of Warder, Data Entry Operator-Cum-Programmer, Chowkidar positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Meghalaya Home (Jails) Department Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 4th December 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Meghalaya Home (Jails) Department Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Meghalaya Home (Jails) Department

Name of Positions : Warder, Data Entry Operator-Cum-Programmer, Chowkidar

Number of Vacant Positions: 53

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Counsellor - 05
2. Assistant Jailor - 03
3. Electrician-Cum- Plumber - 01
4. Warder (Male) - 19
5. Warder (Female) - 01
6. Driver - 03
7. Naik (Armed Branch) - 14
8. Medical Attendant - 01
9. Chowkidar - 01
10. Data Entry Operator-Cum-Programmer - 05

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 8th / 10th / ITI / Graduation Degree / Degree in Engineering / BCA / B.Sc. / MA / M.Sc. / MSW from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 380/- (Post 1,2), Rs. 180/- (Post 3-6), Rs. 130/- (Post 7-9) is needed to be paid by General / OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC / ST & Other Category : Rs. 190/- (Post 1,2), Rs. 90/- (Post 3-6), Rs. 65/- (Post 7-9).
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 27 Years (for Other Post 1), 22 to 27 Years (Post 2) As on 01-01-2019.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Warder, Data Entry Operator-Cum-Programmer, Chowkidar they will attain salary in scale pay of Matrix of Level - 12 (Post 1), Level - 11 (Post 2), Level - 04 (Post 3), Level - 03 (Post 4-7), Level - 02 (Post 7), Level - 01 (Post 8,9), Rs. 20000/- (Post 10) per month from Meghalaya Home (Jails) Department
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam and Physical Test, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Meghalaya Home (Jails) Department Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 4th December 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

Office of Director General of Prisons, Meghalaya, Shillong

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Application Has To Be Sent Latest By : 04-12-2019.

official Website :


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