
Thursday, 1 August 2019

Office of District Education Officer Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Office of District Education Officer has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Office of District Education Officer Recruitment 2019 to fill 05 vacancies of Trainer, Superintendent, Driver positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Office of District Education Officer Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 6th August 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Office of District Education Officer Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Office of District Education Officer

Name of Positions : Trainer, Superintendent, Driver

Number of Vacant Positions: 05

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Trainer (Coach) - 02
2. Superintendent - 01
3. Lady Superintendent - 01
4. Driver - 01

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th / 12th / Diploma in NIS from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 45 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Trainer, Superintendent, Driver they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 35000 or 40000/- (Post 1), Rs. 15000/- (Post 2,3) per month from Office of District Education Officer
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Office of District Education Officer Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 6th August 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

Office of District Education Officer, Dantewada (CG)

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last Date of Receipt of Applications : 06-08-2019.

official Website :

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

DRDO Recruitment 2019 - 2020

District Rural Development Agency has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as DRDO Recruitment 2019 to fill 05 vacancies of Block Coordinator, Accountant-cum-Computer Operator positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for DRDO Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 29th August 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

DRDO Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: District Rural Development Agency

Name of Positions : Block Coordinator, Accountant-cum-Computer Operator

Number of Vacant Positions: 05

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Block Coordinator - 02
2. Accountant-cum-Computer Operator - 03

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 12th with Diploma in Computer Application / Degree in Rural Management / Social Work / Cooperative Management from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 22 to 45 Years (Post 1), 18 to 30 Years (Post 2).
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Block Coordinator, Accountant-cum-Computer Operator they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 18,000/- (Post 1), Rs. 10,000/- (Post 2) per month from District Rural Development Agency
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for DRDO Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 29th August 2019.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration of Application Form Is Starts From : 29-07-2019.
Dead Line of Online Application Is : 29-08-2019.

official Website :

Monday, 29 July 2019

Haryana State Transport Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Haryana State Transport has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Haryana State Transport Recruitment 2019 to fill 38 vacancies of Apprentices positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Haryana State Transport Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 5th August 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Haryana State Transport Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Haryana State Transport

Name of Positions : Apprentices

Number of Vacant Positions: 38

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Mechanic Motor Vehicle - 13
2. Diesel Mechanic - 04
3. Battery Repairer - 02
4. Electrician - 06
5. Carpenter - 02
6. Tyreman - 02
7. Store Keeper - 03
8. Black Smith - 03
9. Turner - 01
10. Hindi Typist - 02

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained ITI from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Haryana State Transport Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 5th August 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

Office of General Manager, Haryana State Transport, Kaithal

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Starting Date of Online Application Form Filling Is : 30-07-2019.
Closing Date of Online Submission of Applications Form Is : 05-08-2019.
Deadline to Submit the Application Is : 05-08-2019.

official Website :

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Collector Office Hoshangabad Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Collector Office Hoshangabad has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Collector Office Hoshangabad Recruitment 2019 to fill 09 vacancies of Office Assistant-cum-Data Entry Operator positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Collector Office Hoshangabad Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 2nd August 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Collector Office Hoshangabad Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Collector Office Hoshangabad

Name of Positions : Office Assistant-cum-Data Entry Operator

Number of Vacant Positions: 09

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Office Assistant-cum-Data Entry Operator - 09

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 12th with Diploma in Computer & CPCT from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 70/-is needed to be paid by All Category Candidates.
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 40 Years As on 01-01-2019.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Office Assistant-cum-Data Entry Operator they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 22,770/- per month from Collector Office Hoshangabad
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Collector Office Hoshangabad Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 2nd August 2019.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration Would Be Open From : 19-07-2019.
Online Registration of Application Form Ends On : 02-08-2019.

official Website :

Saturday, 27 July 2019

DCIL Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Dredging Corporation of India Limited has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as DCIL Recruitment 2019 to fill 42 vacancies of Dredge Cadets, Near Costal Vessel Trainees, Instrument Engineer positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for DCIL Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 7th August 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

DCIL Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Dredging Corporation of India Limited

Name of Positions : Dredge Cadets, Near Costal Vessel Trainees, Instrument Engineer

Number of Vacant Positions: 42

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Dredge Cadets - 10
2. Trainee Marine Engineer - 10
3. Trainee Electrical Officers - 10
4. Near Costal Vessel Trainees - 10
5. Instrument Engineer - 02

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th with Course (Pre-Sea G.P Rating) / Diploma (Nautical Science) / Engineering Degree from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 1000/-is needed to be paid by General / OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC / ST & Other Category : Nil.
Age Limitations:
  • Contestant’s maximum age limits should be 30 Years (Post 3), 35 Years (Post 5) As on 31-07-2019, 25 Years (Post 4) As on 15-09-2019.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Dredge Cadets, Near Costal Vessel Trainees, Instrument Engineer they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 15,000/- (Post 1), Rs. 25,000/- (Post 2,3) Rs. 10,000/- (Post 4) Per month., Rs. 1,606/- (Post 5) per month from Dredging Corporation of India Limited
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Test / Interview / Document Verification for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for DCIL Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 7th August 2019.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Opening Date of Online Submission of Application Form Is : 24-07-2019.
Last Date For Apply Online : 07-08-2019.

official Website :

MSRLM Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as MSRLM Recruitment 2019 to fill 73 vacancies of Data Entry Operator, Cluster Coordinator, Clerk, Accountant positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for MSRLM Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 8th August 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

MSRLM Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission

Name of Positions : Data Entry Operator, Cluster Coordinator, Clerk, Accountant

Number of Vacant Positions: 73

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Accountant - 01
2. Administration Assistant - 01
3. Data Entry Operator - 08
4. Clerk - 01
5. Peon - 08
6. Cluster Coordinator - 47
7. Administration Account Assistant - 07

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th / 12th / B.Com. / MS-CIT or Tally / BSW / B.Sc. Agriculture / PG Degree in relevant discipline from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 374/-is needed to be paid by Unreserved Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the Reserved & Other Category : Rs. 274/-.
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 38 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Data Entry Operator, Cluster Coordinator, Clerk, Accountant they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 15,000/- (Post 1,2,7), Rs. 10,000/- (Post 3,4), Rs. 20,500/- (Post 6), Rs. 8000/- (Post 5) per month from Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for MSRLM Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 8th August 2019.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration Starts From : 26-07-2019.
Online Application Will Be Received Till : 08-08-2019.
Written Exam Date : 12-08-2019.

official Website :

Friday, 26 July 2019

District Administration Recruitment 2019 - 2020

District Administration has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as District Administration Recruitment 2019 to fill 06 vacancies of Tutor positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for District Administration Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 31st July 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

District Administration Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: District Administration

Name of Positions : Tutor

Number of Vacant Positions: 06

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Tutor - 06

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Graduation Degree / BE / B.Tech. / Master Degree (Zoology / Botany / Physics / Chemistry) from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 21 to 45 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Tutor they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 50,000 - 75,000/- per month from District Administration
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Demo Class & Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for District Administration Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 31st July 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

DEO (District Education Officer) Office, Near Indane gas agency, Kabirdham, Chhattisgarh - 491995


Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Deadline to Submit Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 31-07-2019.

official Website :

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Sainik School Rewa Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Sainik School Rewa has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Sainik School Rewa Recruitment 2019 to fill 03 vacancies of Trained Graduate Teacher, General Employees positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Sainik School Rewa Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 9th August 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Sainik School Rewa Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Sainik School Rewa

Name of Positions : Trained Graduate Teacher, General Employees

Number of Vacant Positions: 03

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Trained Graduate Teacher (Science) - 01
2. General Employees - 02

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th / Graduation with B.Ed. from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 21 to 35 Years (Post 1), 18 to 50 Years (Post 2).
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Trained Graduate Teacher, General Employees they will attain salary in scale pay of Matrix of Level- 7 (Post 1), Level- 1 (Post 2) per month from Sainik School Rewa
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Class Demonstration / Physical Test & Skill Test, Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for Sainik School Rewa Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 9th August 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

Sainik School Rewa (MP) 486001

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last date to submit application form : 09-08-2019.

official Website :

PCC Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Pollution Control Committee has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as PCC Recruitment 2019 to fill 11 vacancies of Junior Project Engineer, Accountant, LDC cum Data Entry Operator positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for PCC Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 27th August 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

PCC Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Pollution Control Committee

Name of Positions : Junior Project Engineer, Accountant, LDC cum Data Entry Operator

Number of Vacant Positions: 11

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Junior Project Engineer - 04
2. Junior Scientific Project Assistant - 03
3. Junior Laboratory Assistant - 02
4. Accountant - 01
5. LDC cum Data Entry Operator - 01

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 12th / B.Sc. / B.Com. / Degree in Engineering / Bachelor Degree from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 25 Years (Post 3,5).
  • Contestant’s maximum age limits should be 30 Years (Post 1,2,4).
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Junior Project Engineer, Accountant, LDC cum Data Entry Operator they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 38,000/- (Post 1), Rs. 29,000/- (Post 2), 18,000/- (Post 3,5), Rs. 20,000/- (Post 4) per month from Pollution Control Committee
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Typing Test & Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for PCC Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 27th August 2019.

Address To Send Application From :

Office of the Member Secretary, Pollution Control Committee, 1st Floor, Udyog Bhawan, Behnslore, Nani Daman - 396210

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last Date for Receiving Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 27-08-2019.

official Website :

KIAL Recruitment 2019 - 2020

Kannur International Airport Limited has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as KIAL Recruitment 2019 to fill 30 vacancies of Baggage Screening Executive, Fire & Rescue Operators positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for KIAL Recruitment 2019 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 13th August 2019. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

KIAL Recruitment 2019 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Kannur International Airport Limited

Name of Positions : Baggage Screening Executive, Fire & Rescue Operators

Number of Vacant Positions: 30

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Baggage Screening Executive - 15
2. Fire & Rescue Operators - 15

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th with Diploma (Engineering) / 12th / Degree in Engineering / MBA / PGDM from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Contestant’s maximum age limits should be 35 Years (Post 1), 30 Years (Post 2) As on 01-07-2019.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Baggage Screening Executive, Fire & Rescue Operators they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 31,000/- (Post 1), Rs. 25,000/- (Post 2) per month from Kannur International Airport Limited
Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Test, Interview / Physical Efficiency Test & Driving Skill Test for the assortment of the applicants.
Procedure to Apply for KIAL Recruitment 2019 - 2020:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 13th August 2019.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration of Application Form Ends On : 13-08-2019.

official Website :


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